Hello there! This website is a repository (or digital garden) of articles, projects and guides about using 8-bit computers in the present age. I will also post about other things from my working life, but all content will be IT related and technical in nature.

You can check out the Read Me page for more about me, and my other projects. For questions or feedback, you can find me on Mastodon and on the MEGA65 Discord. Thank you for being here.


In the navigation bar on the left, you can browse the Projects (series of articles about the same subject), Shorts (single articles) and Guides (how-to’s about various subjects). On the right you see the most recent posts.

Use this table of popular #tags that will link to a page showing all the posts with that tag, or click here to see a list of all the tags on the site.

Site Title

The title “Fighting Computers” comes from a quote I’ve read several years ago. The sub-text was : computers were once invented to make life easier. Yet, over the years, computers got more and more complicated, and what we once thought was beneficial turned out to be destructive and negative. This site is about going back to the computers of yesteryear to program them and use them just for the joy of simpler computing.


This site is created using Quartz and my local Obsidian vault about retro computing. Quartz creates a static website from this vault, and in this way I am in total control over my content, and moving this site and all its content to another hosting service, if needed, should be trivial.